KYOTO (Knowledge Yielding Ontologies for Transition-based Organization): 7th EC Framework project ICT-211423 (2008-2011)

Project coordinator of KYOTO. The goal of KYOTO was to develop a content enabling system that provides deep semantic search and information access to large quantities of distributed multimedia data for both experts and the general public, covering a broad range of data from wide-spread sources in a number of culturally diverse languages.

    In this project we targeted the languages: English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Basque, Chinese and Japanese. This powerful system crucially rests on an ontology linked to wordnets –lexical semantic databases– in a variety of languages. Concept extraction and data mining were applied through a chain of semantic processors that re-used the knowledge for different languages and for particular domains. The shared ontology guaranteed a uniform interpretation for diverse types of information from different sources and languages. The system can be maintained by field specialists using a Wiki platform.

KYOTO is a generic system offering knowledge transition for any domain of knowledge and information, across different target groups in society and across linguistic, cultural and geographic borders. KYOTO will be applied to the environmental domain and span global information across European and non-European languages. For more information see: