Can we Handle the News: winner NWO Enlighten Your Research 4 (EYR4)-competition 2014 Big Data Challenge (2014-2016)
Project coordinator of Can we Handle the News where the goal is to design the optimal architecture for processing as many daily news items as fast as possible using the deepest semantic processing that is currently available in Natural Language Processing (NLP), so-called deep-reading. The complex and diverse technology developed in the European NewsReader project will be optimized given the infrastructure provided by EYR, exploiting the optimal capacity in a jungle-architecture. The project will result in parallelized NLP pipelines, involving a large variety of software, it will provide knowledge on what it takes to process the daily batch of news that comes in every working day (estimated on 2 million items), but it also result in knowledge on how rich, complex and dynamic information streams of news really are.
Prize: A 2-years access to data storage, computing facilities, and visualisation infrastructure provided by SURFsara, for advanced network connections provided by SURFnet, and for support in the mapping of research solutions onto these e-infrastructure services by the Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC) plus a cash prize of EUR 20,000.
Student assistants to support Can we Handle the News: Vaishali Dudhmal and Dodan Mihai.