Meet & Greet CLTL-students December 3, 2020

MEET & GREET Human Language Technology / Text Mining / CLTL / December 3, 2020 : ONLINE

The Computational Lexicology and Terminology Lab (CLTL) of Piek Vossen of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is organising a Meet & Greet where companies and students of our Language Technology Research Master and our Text Mining Master can exchange ideas and get to know each other.

An excellent opportunity to introduce the company or organisation to our students, and for master students to present their research topic or area of expertise to the companies.


The platform will be used (, an online platform that allows participants to have sub-group conversations in parallel, to walk around in the virtual space, visit poster exhibits and start conversations with other participants,  as if attending a physical meeting. We believe that the platform offers a perfect environment for hosting organisations and students to meet and get acquainted with each other. 


  • 13.45 – 14.00 walk-in
  • 14.00  Welcome by Professor Piek Vossen (head of CLTL)
  • 14.10  Internship procedures and details (Hennie van der Vliet)
  • 14.15  Short introduction Gather Town (Myrthe Reuvers)
  • 14.20  Last year’s experiences (students András Aponyi and Klaudia Bartosiak)
  • 14.30  Poster session 1: 
  • 15.15  Last year’s experiences (hosting organization: Zoltán Slávik/MyTomorrows)
  • Short break & walk around and meet people
  • 15.30 Poster session 2:
  • 16.15  walk around, meet people
  • 17.00  end of meeting

ING / Totta Research / TextKernel are bystander companies this day.

The one-year Master Text Mining and the two-year Research Master Human Language Technology are programs by CLTL, one of the world’s leading research institutes in Human Language technology.



