Wordnet-tools is a collection of functions that operate on wordnets (Fellbaum 1998, Vossen et al. 1998) represented in Wordnet-LMF format (Vossen et al. 2013).
The following functions are provided:
- Apply one of the following similarity measures to a pair of words or synsets: path, Jiang Conrath, Leacock & Chodorow, Resnik, Lin, Wu & Palmer
- Create a cumulated frequencies for lowest common subsumbers (wordnet hypernyms) from a corpus frequency file: takes a list of words with corpus frequencies and accumulates these frequencies to the full wordnet hierarchy, passing it to the hypernyms of each meaning of the word. The output is a file with hypernym synset ids and their cumulated frequencies. This file is used by various semantic similarity measures (Resnik 1995).
- Derive the average depth of the full hierarchy using the hypernym relations:
- Calculate the depth for a synset and/or the number of children
- Create a subhierarchy of wordnet for a restricted set of input words
- Tag a file in the KYOTO Annotation Format with all the meanings of the Wordnet-LMF file
- Create a ontotag file from set of labeled hypernym synsets
WordnetTools is licensed under GNU GPL v3.
Wordnet-tools is compiled on Mac OS X version 10.6.8 with Java 1.6.
The source code can be downloaded through:
If you use our work please use the following reference for acknowledgement:
Marten Postma and Piek Vossen: What implementation and translation teach us: the case of semantic similarity measures in wordnets. Proceedings of the 7th Global Wordnet Conference, Tartu, Estonia, 2014.