- Data-to-Text (D2T): annotation tool to mark inline mentions for corpora created following the data-to-text approach. This tool was primarily created to enable event coreference annotation in SemEval-2018 task 5. GitHub
- EventCoreference: a software package with a collection of event coreference functions.
- KafNafAnnotator: a program that can be used to annotate KAF or NAF files with any tag set.
- KafSaxParser: a Java library that reads and writes KAF and NAF files.
- Kybot: a Java library that reads and writes KAF and NAF files and tries to extract information from the layers based on patterns.
- MultiwordTagger: a module that reads the terms in a NAF representation of a text and searches for multiword sequences of terms in the English WordNet.
- LOTUS: LOTUS provides a text search functionality over the billions of Linked Data statements found in the LOT Laundromat data collection. LOTUS is the largest textual index over linked data currently available. GitHub
- Ontotagger: a Java module that can read a NAF or KAF file and adds ontological labels to the term layer on the basis of wordnet synset identifier or lemma matches and a mapping table to ontological types.
- WordNetTools: a collection of functions that operate on wordnets (Fellbaum 1998, Vossen et al. 1998) represented in Wordnet-LMF format (Vossen et al. 2013).